Swipe Left on Swipe Culture: Why Online Dating Apps Are Being Ditched

The reign of online dating and its hallmark “swipe culture” is experiencing a steep decline. Apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge became the go-to for people looking for love, or at least a connection. But recent trends suggest this phenomenon is waning. More people are expressing fatigue with the superficiality, gamification, and often disappointing outcomes

How to Avoid Politics Blowing Up Relationships Over the Holidays

While many are anticipating the upcoming holidays to be merry and bright, there are others who dread the political elephant in the room at their family gatherings where divergent opinions are a reality. As a practicing psychotherapist, I’ve noticed it coming up a lot in my practice lately, the question of how to enjoy the

How to Create More Intimacy in Your Relationship

Intimacy, the feeling of closeness and emotional connection with another person, is the cornerstone of healthy and fulfilling relationships, playing a vital role in relationship satisfaction, fostering trust, commitment, and overall well-being. It encompasses various aspects, including emotional, intellectual, physical, and shared experiences, though partners might have different meanings around these, so important to check

Middle-Aged Women: Thriving Through Emotional and Relationship Transitions

Middle age, often defined as the years between 40 and 65, is a time of significant transition for many women. It’s a period marked by physical, emotional, and social changes, which can ripple through all aspects of life, particularly emotional health and relationships . I am a middle-aged women (funny that it is still hard

Help for High-Conflict Couples

Having a healthy, loving and connected relationship is one of the most rewarding experiences.  Couples often start out in a good place and can’t imagine things going awry.  The biologically necessary attachment bonding chemical process (the “honeymoon” phase) that connects people can also shield each other from what might become cracks in the relationship later. 

Happy 2024, I Have a Few Things for You

2023 was quite a year.  To say there have been some challenges is an understatement but my hope for you is that you are finding some inspiration and optimism for the New Year.  There were highs, lows and transitions for many.  LoveAndlLifeToolbox.com was about experimentation and change in 2023.  The site has gone through a

5 Steps to Create Positive Change in Your Relationship

Marriage and/or long-term intimate relationships have the potential to be incredibly rewarding and people generally do the best they can with what they know.  Couples can generally do well over time but many hit emotional speed bumps.  No matter when or how a relationship feels strain, ideally there is some reflection and curiosity by one

Whether Single or in a Relationship, Flirting is Good For Your Health

If you are single or in a relationship, it is paramount that you know how to flirt. It not only improves your relationships with others, it also improves your physical and emotional health. A prerequisite to the following lessons is having an understanding of what flirting is not before elaborating on what it is. It is

Is Your Relationship in Red Alert?

The most dangerous relationship threats aren’t always the most visible; like a pattern of high conflict, lack of kindness or disrespect.  Those are clearly problematic signs that need attention but the behaviors that are sometimes the least detectable can create a significant vulnerability in the relationship where emotional safety levels have taken a serious hit.

Too Independent in Your Relationship?

Jennifer Chappell Marsh, MFT explores independence vs interdependence in relationships and what secure attachment looks like. Many of us have heard the saying, “At the end of the day, you only have yourself to fall back on…” We are taught from a young age that independence is a good thing; a source of strength and pride.